Shanghai Nights, China

K11 tower, Shànghǎi, China — January 12, 2004
Formerly the Hong Kong New World Tower and one of my favorite evening buildings in Shanghai

The Shànghǎi Museum 上海博物館, China — January 14, 2004
The museum was designed to resemble giant dǐng 鼎 cooking vessel.

Night market, Shànghǎi, China — January 12, 2004
I always liked this shot of a night market vegetable vendor selling his healthy goods whilst smoking a cigarettes; just one of many contrasts you will see daily around China.

Hunan restaurant, Shànghǎi, China — January 11, 2004
This local restaurant on Huanzhen South Road near Hongmei Lu (probably long since closed) enticed us one cold winter evening. Their menu looked good so after a beer and some cold appetizers we asked for their house special and no sooner did a huge tray of spicy chicken arrive. We began nibbling, but soon found the chicken to be mostly bones. Jeremy exclaimed our predicament in Chinese yet the waiter denied that our plate was mostly bones. After several back and forths we got up and left and were yelled out all the way down there street. I do follow the school of thought that chicken on the bone tastes better, but in in this instance I think we were just served leftover bones. We never returned even though we could see this place from the view where we were staying.

Tea district, Shànghǎi, China — January 12, 2004
The bottom sign says Welcoming the Spring Festival, the discount on famous Chinese tea; middle sign says Books on discount