On The Road, Kenya

The longest road in Africa, from Moyale to Isiolo, Kenya — May 21, 1998
Highway A2 runs from the Kenya border town of Moyale, across the vast Dida Galgalu Desert, and down to the oasis town of Marsabit, where you can find the rare and famous reticulated giraffe in the nearby resrve. Along the road you’ll eoncounter people from the Samburu and Rendille tribes, often in their traditional look with ocrhe-colored braids of hair, spears, shields, beads and leatherwork and fabric outfits. If unlucky you may also run across the Shifta, or road bandits, often from Somolia. As Paul Theroux put it, “They do not want your life, bwana. They want your shoes.” To protect you, or at least give that impression, the Kenyan military will most likely attach a soldier with loaded weapon to your vehicle, and trucks will travel in convey for saftety, though in practice the convey breaks up moments after it begins. Form here the road continues south to Archers Post, Isiolo, around Mount Kenya and onto Nairboi. Also note, the white dot in the center of the photo is a skull.
Note 5/21: The section between Isiolo and Moyale in northern Kenya (dubbed 'the road to hell' by overland travellers) has recently been completed creating a smooth crossing across Kenya.