All-star lineup featuring guitarists Syran M’Benza and Bopol with vocalists Wuta Mayi and Nyboma. For some reason, this album is the most easily obtainable. Yet, I have to say that even though the guitar licks are incredible and the singing phenomenal, there is an element of cheese that exists here and I am not sure why; probably because of the time it was released—around 1994. Nonetheless, if you can sit through the creamy parts, the others will blast you into orbit.
Audio CD (March 8, 1994)
Label: Stern’s
Catalog: #1049
Live in London
Audio CD (January 14, 1997)
Label: B-mas
Format: Live
ASIN: B000005T67
Adama Coly
I have not heard this, but I want to.
Audio CD (September 13, 1996)
Label: Lusafrica
Catalog: #87282
ASIN: B000005N86
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